Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

It's a master's in Applied Positive Psychology , which is essentially the um Ivy League study in Science of what makes life worth living ways in which happiness and success are related . So , you know , most of them are pretty clear , hopefully , at this point in our lives that success doesn't lead to happiness , but happiness lead to success . And so I took that program , I opened my private practice , um the book or the journal that I was keeping where I was tracking the stuff that may be happen , that didn't , that became happiness for me inside out .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

Like every stipulation and claws and caveat in that contract that tells you that you need to earn it or deserve it . Whether it's happiness or peace to love and success is getting in the way of that very happiness , peace , love and success . So one of the major causes that most of us or thoughts , stories that most of us entertain that's not particularly helpful is this idea that you have to suffer your way to happiness or you have to suffer your way to love or that love is suffering or that love is sacrifice and happiness is sacrificed .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

Uh and much more . He's been in GQ , self health , cosmopolitan and glamour and he's one of the world's leading experts on the relationship between happiness and success . I'm so excited .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

Is it a thought that I enjoy ? And it's helpful with respect to happiness or not ? If it's not helpful , you can replace it .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

It's a , it's a great point . So , you know , there is a lot of research that's basically found that look , we all have a happiness set point . We're born with a genetic predisposition for a certain level of happiness .