Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

Um So look forward to that . You can find happiness from the inside out everywhere . Great books are sold including Fun and Barnes and Noble um book online and online these days .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

And so those are um ideas that while understandable are not constructive and no , they're not . Probably find a lot more happiness and peace and love if you can learn to let go of those ideas . Exactly .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

You don't need to think anything at all . You know , truly , at the end of the day is less even about thinking than it is letting go of thinking and just experiencing that peaceful aliveness . You already are .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

So start there , you know , you want to be happy . You know , it feels better to be happy than unhappy , better to be peaceful and not peaceful , better to feel loved than not love . So you start there and then I'd say the second thing is focusing on the things that you are clear about that .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

And I discovered a lazier but smarter and much more transformative approach , which is kind of getting out of the way and just leaving room for sort of grace to enter the scene and for something unpredictable and unexpected to happen . So I find that , you know , keeping my mind quiet and just being perfectly present does most of the work for me . In fact , all of the work .