Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

Hello . Hello and welcome to Happily Holistic . I'm so happy you're listening to us today and I am very excited to be here with my friend Rob Mack .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

This is happily holistic where we dive deeply into everything , health and wellness with a big dash of spirituality and a Sprinkle of business . We spotlight the uplifting and the positive and share the secret ways .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

Thank you so much for being here . Thank you everyone for listening to Happily Holistic and we're wishing you a joyful day . Thanks for listening to Happily Holistic with me , Amy Lee Merry .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

I'm your host , Amy Lee Merry , best selling author of 15 books and Holistic health expert for the last 19 years . I can't wait to get happily Holistic with you today . Hello .

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

Thank you everyone for listening to Happily Holistic and we're wishing you a joyful day . Thanks for listening to Happily Holistic with me , Amy Lee Merry . You can find out more about the show on Amy Lee Mere dot com on the podcast page .