Regular Guy Friday *Rewind* ep. 120: Why Responding vs. Reacting is the Ultimate Ascension Lesson & How to Lean into The Power of Possibility

But like somehow we end up talking about F boys on this episode but then he still sprinkles in so much good takeaway we talk about so we talk about F boys , Natasha . What else do we talk about ? Meditation ?

Regular Guy Friday *Rewind* ep. 120: Why Responding vs. Reacting is the Ultimate Ascension Lesson & How to Lean into The Power of Possibility

These are the things that I think that can make a success or a success out of somebody in life to like , live a beautiful life , whatever it is to persevere , to have determination and to know there's always a way a way because once you have that and then you can find , you have a passion , you can be determined , you can focus , you can push through and you will always find a way . Well said , well said , so that was that then I didn't know there was that much this much takeaway in this episode . OK .

Regular Guy Friday *Rewind* ep. 120: Why Responding vs. Reacting is the Ultimate Ascension Lesson & How to Lean into The Power of Possibility

I really giggled , Natasha and I listened to it together and we were giggling because mind you , Kevin , I feel like I don't know how he comes up with half the stuff he comes up with . But like somehow we end up talking about F boys on this episode but then he still sprinkles in so much good takeaway we talk about so we talk about F boys , Natasha . What else do we talk about ?

Regular Guy Friday *Rewind* ep. 120: Why Responding vs. Reacting is the Ultimate Ascension Lesson & How to Lean into The Power of Possibility

Um Sarah Baldwin discussed this . So you guys want to go back and listen to that episode . That was a very , very good one talking all about our nervous system and how we can help heal our nervous system .

Regular Guy Friday *Rewind* ep. 120: Why Responding vs. Reacting is the Ultimate Ascension Lesson & How to Lean into The Power of Possibility

More prominent , more prominent . But you said you also did get some good take away from this episode . Take away from this episode .