GDL Ed Begley Jr.

You're welcome . Um So tell me about what the Begley's cleaners . Tell me all about this .

GDL Ed Begley Jr.

Yeah . Back to this cleaning product here . Can I smell this ?

GDL Ed Begley Jr.

I met this guy , wonderful guy , John . He had a formula for a great cleaning product . I tried to clean .

GDL Ed Begley Jr.

I don't want to bring those . The two that were pristine bottles I brought with me is a floor cleaner . And then this uh waterless pet thing that you guys were talking about .

GDL Ed Begley Jr.

And then this uh waterless pet thing that you guys were talking about . This is I think floor cleaner . Yeah , it is Multiservice , floor cleaner , tile , wood , anything cleans very well .