The Mysterious Stomach Issue that Kept Gordon Ryan From Competing for a Year

It was just like , like 50 times what it was supposed to be . So he , uh , so I've been on this treatment now for a year , uh , a year in October and uh I'm like 70 75% better . Now .

The Mysterious Stomach Issue that Kept Gordon Ryan From Competing for a Year

Um And that , that helped a lot . And then I met his doctor , Doctor Aar and uh , now that I'm getting better , I hardly ever get stuff I get like , maybe like once every six months . Do you use defense ?

The Mysterious Stomach Issue that Kept Gordon Ryan From Competing for a Year

Um So uh but keep going on with that . So what did they do to , how did he , what it was the medication ? So , to fix that ?

The Mysterious Stomach Issue that Kept Gordon Ryan From Competing for a Year

I think you just have a , uh , something in your small intestines which is backing up into your stomach , um , and causing like a bile and food back up and that's why you're emptying slowly and it's mimicking ga gastroparesis . So he did a bunch of tests that no one's ever done . And like , my levels are like way off .

The Mysterious Stomach Issue that Kept Gordon Ryan From Competing for a Year

I had one guy do a colonoscopy and uh they're like , yeah , you look fine . Um And I was like , ok , well , if I can't get these doctors to , to figure it out , I guess I'm just gonna deal with it . Hopefully it'll get better .