LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

It was just like a , it was the whole place was an empty shell and that really excited me because there there was nothing else like this in L A . The row have done a really good job of uh curating a bunch of stores that help each other grow and , and bring in unique customers . So it's been really enjoyable being here .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

Ok . This is the best thing we have in the store . This is a piece of the Ed Sullivan backdrop from the very first night .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

What is the significance of this place in terms of how long it's been in Burbank ? It's the store I think has been in Burbank since the forties . The building has the latest history .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

People come in here for all occasions , sixties , seventies parties , they come in for prom , they come in if they're doing a school play or um we have Tik Tok uh personalities that come in . I call it a vintage living store because we do um as well as shoes , hats , purses , clothing . We do furniture , also some vintage and antique furniture .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

We sit somewhere in the middle which we want to make you feel good now and for the next 5 , 10 years , which helps the earth and not throw away as much product . I want someone to buy something from us and hold on to that for a really long time and feel confident and comfortable in our products . It's amazing .