Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

Like do I think there are people but you , but you know what the problem is ? You can't fake environment . No , no , you can't like the way all of us came up and everyone , you can't fake it .

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

They made me New Jersey , made me immi immigrant life made me . It's definitely like , so important to what you were saying , just like when you said who your environment and to your point when you said watch who you're around because uh especially for a lot of black entrepreneurs or black businessmen , depending on environment , not every black person , but um depending on environment , there's a lot of times when we make that breakthrough into . Wow , this is working .

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

I'm like , damn , not only did I have the great parents . I had the great environment I learned how to love everyone . We were just all mixed crazy .

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

Wow , I'm actually bringing in some income . We don't necessarily have an environment that tells us , hey , you need to put this amount of money away . The infrastructure of source black comma .

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

The infrastructure of source black comma . Anyone who doesn't come from an environment of money in 20 years , you'll be hearing a lot of people saying it from Latin backgrounds . I came up in the hoods of Texas and Arizona like it's all , it's whoever at the like it just , it's a money thing .