Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

With youtube shorts ? I just started youtube shorts is the gateway drug to build attention to then give you the leverage . Do youtube proper ?

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

Where are you at ? With youtube shorts ? I just started youtube shorts is the gateway drug to build attention to then give you the leverage .

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

They were two years ago . So that's fashion and music and people attention is the number one asset . Twitch .

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

Attention comes in understanding that Tik Tok is about to blow . But it also comes in knowing that gunner sat here when he had 400 followers on Instagram or that my company Boehner Media did a campaign called Finding The Next Vine Star and the winner that we chose for that campaign was Logan Paul or that or Chuck Demilio was in that office moments before she went crazy .

Navigating Your Path to Success l Podcast With Friends Episode 3

I mean my next book Day trading attention comes out next year . Attention comes in understanding that tiktok is about to blow . But it also comes in knowing that gun sat here when he had 400 followers on Instagram or that or that my company Boehner Media did a campaign called Finding the Next Vine Star and the winner that we chose for that campaign was Logan Paul or that Demilio or Charlie Demilio was in that office moments before she went crazy .