GDL April 13, 2023

So we wanna come . Um , it looks amazing and especially with the movie coming out . I mean , who doesn't want to be there ?

GDL April 13, 2023

No , we're not , we stop at level one . We don't wait to see how this movie turns out . We leave .

GDL April 13, 2023

Um , like when you walk in , you're wearing like a new suit . I get excited . Sorry , I couldn't hear you when you walk in .

GDL April 13, 2023

It's ok . I'm so excited . And then when you got like a new watch , I got so excited .

GDL April 13, 2023

Yeah , I think , I think , I think Batman and those show , those movies are a little different but , um , Wicked had a huge , huge , I think it's on Broadway . The best movies of all time . Really ?