You know what else that I love about you . Ari is your authenticity , not only with this book but like what you do on social media . Like if you follow a spot on social media , you show L A like what's happening in L A ?
I love it and it's all true . What are some of the main truths that you really , overall truth that you really want to tell through this book ? Well , you know , the , you know , I live my life and it's my destiny .
I think , you know , we're both just drawn to it only because of the power of the story , right ? It's not only but it's , it's , it's a very good story , very honest . And , uh and , and , and when we had you on , uh the first time , I think Kyle said this is something that you do so well is that you own complete responsibility of your , of your life .
Um If you're tuning in for the very first time , welcome , welcome to our show . We feature all things good , um great people , great products and incredible books uh or is here to promote his book , The Accidental Gangster or how are you ? I'm great .
Um So like , uh I'm reading the book . I love it and it's all true . What are some of the main truths that you really , overall truth that you really want to tell through this book ?