GDL Ori Spado

And it's gonna become a movie which we're so excited about . Talk to us about the process of how that's been for you . Well , you know , being in Hollywood , uh it is a process .

GDL Ori Spado

Speaking of connected , obsessed , I've been watching the Sopranos on , on HBO and it's , it's special , right ? But here I feel like I have like a real story in my head . This is better than Sopranos was bullshit .

GDL Ori Spado

Um , so it's very peaceful to me . Um , and lots of greenery and , you know , just having a great time . Um , New York City .

GDL Ori Spado

Absolutely . Well , I've been lucky enough to , um , uh , host the red carpet and , um , have opportunity there . Um , a special shout out to carry Anne Kimball , um , who's in the building , uh , which is really , really great because I love interviewing people .

GDL Ori Spado

I love , I love New York too . So I was there for eight years . Yeah .