GDL Ori Spado

Thank you . And it's gonna become a movie which we're so excited about . Talk to us about the process of how that's been for you .

GDL Ori Spado

Thank you for being here the second time on our show . Um Yeah , keep an eye out for the movie and uh stories with or like that . All right , we like it too .

GDL Ori Spado

So they're doing a great job so far . Who's the casting director on this project ? They're doing a fantastic job .

GDL Ori Spado

So uh we are in the process right now . We'll be making money offers to actors . We're currently looking at Sam Rockwell and a few others to play me .

GDL Ori Spado

I have George Gall who did the Midnight , he wrote Midnight Run , uh Bad Boys 29 Street Middleman , ton of movies . He's directing it . Nick Beano who did Green book won best pitcher of the year award .