Here's Why BravoCon is Bittersweet For Reza Farahan | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

Of course , the Fendi and the saddle are going to be lit and Chris . So what's the one thing that people come up to you up at Bravo Con that people remind you the most about or even in real life ? Because , you know , once you're in Bravo , like you could , it could be like a Tuesday , a rainy Tuesday in October and people are going to talk to you about it .

Here's Why BravoCon is Bittersweet For Reza Farahan | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

Rizzo . What shows do you watch as a fan ? So , I am in Tink Man's Court right now .

Here's Why BravoCon is Bittersweet For Reza Farahan | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

I have to say Bravo is a lot like the mafia once you're in , you can never get out , you can never get out . So let's bring back some of our favorites , some of the greatest of all times Bravo throwbacks panel here with Kelly Benzo Kristen Dykman , Mercedes , Jed and Riza Farrah . Yeah .

Here's Why BravoCon is Bittersweet For Reza Farahan | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

Thank you guys . Um MJ , what , what is , what is one of the things that most of the fans provo Khan in your everyday life ? Uh You know , people come up to you and say and remind you about what one moment or one line or one thing that they talk to you about most like uh me for me .

Here's Why BravoCon is Bittersweet For Reza Farahan | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

And so when he started Southern Charm , he was like , I'm going to start this great show . So it wouldn't be so cool to have like a mix of all the , like , like the super , super cast of like men and women and like , you know , doing going away somewhere , right ? So I know because we talked about it .