Houston Episode 3

Yeah , bro . High school is high school actually . Now that I think about another world it was fun .

Houston Episode 3

You looking back on it to get to college and you're looking forward to the whole college and stuff like that . And then once you get to college , you like , look back and you're like , whoa , high school was like , you know , like we talk about our high school stuff all the time . I mean , I'm super close to my , I'm super close to my high school coach .

Houston Episode 3

30 a game . High school was cool . I mean , like , because you played , you started as a freshman in high school .

Houston Episode 3

So like if I had a junior year , which is like one of the prime years , like if I had a junior year I definitely would have had 2000 . So , I mean , yeah , high school was cool though . I mean , you know .

Houston Episode 3

It's like you , you know , you get to one point in your life and you look back and you're like , man , that was a fun time . High school is just way more in the same . Yeah , like it was just , I feel like everything was easy .