Houston Episode 3

Um You know , with that , you know , we , we , we do go to school as well as play basketball and we also also try and have a social life . So how do you , how do you guys balance the academic piece with the athletic piece and having to practice 3 to 4 hours a day as well as with class ? Uh I mean , it's pretty tough , especially at Pepon because Pepon like the school ain't no job that it is hard , but it is rigorous .

Houston Episode 3

But , yeah , it's a hard balance for sure . Yeah , like V said , I mean , it's a tough balance but , I mean , as a division one athlete that's kind of what you sign up for . You know , it's like you got school , you got basketball , you got your social life and everything .

Houston Episode 3

He's the second greatest player ever , but I love , I love Steph a lot . Um You know , with that , you know , we , we , we do go to school as well as play basketball and we also also try and have a social life . So how do you , how do you guys balance the academic piece with the athletic piece and having to practice 3 to 4 hours a day as well as with class ?

Houston Episode 3

Yeah , like V said , I mean , it's a tough balance but , I mean , as a division one athlete that's kind of what you sign up for . You know , it's like you got school , you got basketball , you got your social life and everything . So , I mean , like , I think , you know , we get through it obviously and it's , you know , good .

Houston Episode 3

I have Jon Porter and David Major . They both play on the basketball team with me . Um You know , we , we go to class together , we do a lot together , we do everything together .