Houston Episode 3

And that's really what I thought in high school . But now looking back on it . I'm like , I wish I would have appreciated more things in high school .

Houston Episode 3

Uh , you got some on mine right now . Let me think for a second . I would say , I know one of yours for sure .

Houston Episode 3

I don't know the full story or whatever , but when they were together at the date he's seen on her phone , like the last thing she's looked up on safari or whatever was like Aaron Gordon's net worth . Like , that's what she's thinking about going into the thing . That's what I'm saying .

Houston Episode 3

And y'all are all kind of close in age too . Yeah , I'm trying to think . So .

Houston Episode 3

We do got a bunch of good guys but uh everybody on our team is really a great guy . But I feel like , oh no , everybody gonna have stereotypes and certain perceptions looking from the outside in . But yeah , like you said , I feel like we got a good group of guys on the team and especially for me , my experience in college has not at all been like , I feel like what people think of when they think of like a demon athlete , I feel like with us , it's like , like V said , I don't think we've really had like a normal , like college experience and I'm not even complaining either .