Houston Episode 3

Like I can experience both . It's like each relationship is , I mean , all of them are the same , but all of them are different too , you know . You know .

Houston Episode 3

But um childhood best friend , I trust everybody . Relationship different . So when do you all plan on , want to get married ?

Houston Episode 3

Are you really gonna have , like , you know , I don't know . I love my girlfriend's friends . Like , they're all super cool .

Houston Episode 3

I love her . So I mean , like as we got older and like matured , it was like , you know , we we became a lot closer and even when we were fighting , it was always like , you know , you have love for them but it's like you're always like fighting like when you're younger and stuff like that . But yeah , that's my , that's my best friend , me and me and my middle sister .

Houston Episode 3

Like personally what I believe in marriage , how the Bible talks about marriage is how is different than how like our legal system is like our legal system . I mean , what like 50% of marriages end in divorce . Like my parents , my parents are divorced .