Houston Episode 3

You like 7th , 8th grade . Like me and my boys would watch those all the time on youtube . Those games would be , that's crazy .

Houston Episode 3

So you both want to make money , be financially , you know , stable and uh thriving prenup . We've been talking , we've talked about this a lot . So I wanna know , are y'all , y'all making her sign a prenup ?

Houston Episode 3

Yeah . But that's what I'm talking about . Like we all , are you all gonna be in mine but it's like tight circle for me .

Houston Episode 3

But yeah , I really watch KD a lot . Um I'll say he's probably the main one I , I watch most . Yeah , I got a group on , I love just watching great players in general .

Houston Episode 3

But um once again , like I said , it was a good episode three . Good talking to my guys , uh Jon Porter and David Major . And once again , I just want to thank studio place and uh Twin Bridge Sports for making this happen .