Houston Episode 3

I love you baby . But um with that , like what are the qualities you look for in a person that y'all wanna date ? First and foremost , you gotta love the Lord Flamingo .

Houston Episode 3

Yeah . So those are a good qualities . So , what are some of y'all biggest red flags ?

Houston Episode 3

Yeah , I would say for me , like I wouldn't say there's like any set like age and stuff like that . Like , I mean , I'm not necessarily like looking to get married like right out of college or anything necessarily but like , if the right one does come my way , I'm never gonna , like , push them away . Um , I also do want to be , like , financially , like , stable and , like , able to , like , create a family .

Houston Episode 3

Uh Yeah , you can go ahead . I who's gonna be your best man ? You probably Yeah , my brother , my brother , both y'all , both y'all gonna be up there .

Houston Episode 3

I love , you know , I love hard stuff like that . Like , you know , but at the end of the day , it's like I'm gonna work hard for my money and like at the end of the day , you don't know what another person's thinking as much as that , that could be your soul mate that , you know , whatever , you don't know what's going through another person's mind . Now , I'm not saying like , you know , I'm not insecure about that necessarily or whatever , but it's just like that hard earned money is one thing and then like , I feel like , you know , you're in love for somebody , somebody else , I'm not , that doesn't mean I don't love you any less .