Houston Episode 3

I know y'all love basketball . So who are some of your favorite players ? Like growing up watching um someone you made me model your game after ?

Houston Episode 3

Like growing up watching um someone you made me model your game after ? Um Well , obviously other than my brothers , my sisters , my parents , um favorite players , I would say probably , oh , I just like watching great players like KD Ron Seth , all those dudes . But yeah , I really watch KD a lot .

Houston Episode 3

I think about it and that's not my , that's not my favorite part about basketball , but it's just funny to think about it . I think my favorite part about basketball is like my teammates , like in just the process of seeing , like , got like your development and you've developed crazy from when I first met you , when I first saw you , like , just seeing the development like that um in the process of it and like , Max's development like you , that's what really made me emotional , get drafted because like seeing coming in with him as a freshman , obviously supreme talent but did not care at all about like the little things but like , you could see how good he , I mean , he was , he wasn't allowed to play like the first couple of games , so he'd be on scout and he'd be killing us like just off , he'd love to IO and it seem like , I mean , I think that's the craziest um jump in uh like ability and transformation that I've ever seen in my life from like one year to the next , next year . I mean , the dude through , I mean , he averaged what , 1718 game last year and through like the first , what 15 , like right before conference , the dude was averaging , he was averaging close to 20 on like 50 50 50 or like , it's not like he was just like , he was making like tough passes too .

Houston Episode 3

Alright , soon you back probably back . I love basketball , bro . But man , just seeing like it , it is kind of crazy , bro because like now talking to Max and like how much he's matured even just being in the league , it kind of goes back to what we were saying about .

Houston Episode 3

Um I love basketball . I know y'all love basketball . So who are some of your favorite players ?