The Love Event - Love From The Inside Out

Uh I'm just gonna read his bio and then I'll bring him straight in . So Robert Mack is an Ivy League educated , positive psychology expert , inspirational speaker and published author . His work has been endorsed by Oprah Vanessa Williams , Lisa Nichols and many others .

The Love Event - Love From The Inside Out

And I began at that time to do a different kind of research . I started looking at what happiness was , what unhappiness was , what depression was . And it led me down a path where very slowly but surely I became happier and happier over time .

The Love Event - Love From The Inside Out

I started looking at what happiness was , what unhappiness was , what depression was . And it led me down a path where very slowly but surely I became happier and happier over time . I made lots of different choices during that period of time .

The Love Event - Love From The Inside Out

It's not doing what I want them to do or I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife or I'm having trouble dating . And I remember being slightly frustrated about that because I always consider myself a happiness coach . What did I know about dating and love and relationships ?

The Love Event - Love From The Inside Out

And that led me surprisingly enough to a modeling and acting career and I enjoyed for about 10 years . And that led me to even writing a book , Happiness from the inside out about that experience and about some of the clients that I began taking on . Um because as I was putting myself through business school and paying for it with all the entertainment jobs and uh TV shows , I uh started having more and more conversations with people in the entertainment field and in everyday life who wanted to be happy too .