Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Adolescent & Young Adult Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

They are students , they are employed et cetera . But when you couple that with the fact that the most frequent adopters of cannabis use are in this age bracket of 16 to 24 they're twice as likely to use as other individuals or to start using cannabis as are other individuals . Plus the general perception out there because of the way that cannabis is discussed in the media and by sports figures and by celebrities and by , by politicians et cetera that it's not as bad as alcohol and maybe not that bad and maybe even has health benefits .

Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Adolescent & Young Adult Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Plus the general perception out there because of the way that cannabis is discussed in the media and by sports figures and by celebrities and by , by politicians et cetera that it's not as bad as alcohol and maybe not that bad and maybe even has health benefits . Then you're essentially setting up a system where young people are far more likely to adopt and continue cannabis use without realizing these serious health consequences that await them later .

Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Adolescent & Young Adult Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I know a lot of people don't wanna hear this message because first of all , it's alarming . And second of all , as I mentioned earlier , the statistics tell us that the greatest number of people that are starting to use cannabis are in the age bracket of 16 to 24 many of them are functional in other areas of life . They are students , they are employed et cetera .

Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Adolescent & Young Adult Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It is far and away a different circumstance for the brain for an individual to be 25 years or older and using cannabis in whatever form occasionally or maybe even frequently . Then it is for a young person aged 14 to 25 to be using cannabis either by smoking or vaping or by edible or any other form on the brain and body . It's absolutely clear that the brain continues to develop at least until age 25 .

Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Adolescent & Young Adult Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Cannabis is a unique instance in which nowadays we are hearing yes , it's becoming legal in a number of areas . And we talked earlier about why that's probably a good thing in most circumstances .