My sophomore year in high school , my O line coach coach , uh Jason Smothers . Um He , he just en enlisted in me that just keep working no matter what cause I , I went through a time where I was just unmotivated to play . I was just like I felt like I should be playing and that I was , I was better than the guy in my spot and my coach just enlisted in me that just keep working and your hard work is going to come to light .
Don't , don't feel like they're ripping you off cause you can easily go spend 500 on the game or 300 on a pair of shoes . But why not invest in yourself ? Why not spend that money on bettering your craft ?
So I was like , I thought about it , I , I prayed on it , discuss it with my family and my friends and it was just like that , that's the spot like that , that's where you need to be at the biggest piece of advice I would give is keep working . If you feel like you're doing more than enough , you feel like it's nothing extra you could do , it's all something so no matter what , keep working , it doesn't have to be with a training you can get , you can do practice drills on your free time by yourself . Keep your body , keep your body together like well , um just don't , don't lay around and just eat junk food and all of that cause all of that is easy .
I mean , people could just say that it's not easy but that , that's something you want to stay ahead of and just keep working hard , man . You got it , invest in yourself . Um Don't , don't go to a trainer and feel like they're ripping you off because they're charging you like 300 or $400 a month , uh $20 a session .
Try to eat right . I mean , people could just say that it's not easy but that , that's something you want to stay ahead of and just keep working hard , man . You got it , invest in yourself .