Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I was noticing that that um again , this evolved over years , I mean , this , this long before long , long uh long predating um recent changes to , to Twitter . Um But I was noticing that many of the worst things that had happened for me professionally were first born on Twitter . I mean , just like , you know , some , some conflict I got into with somebody or something that I felt like I needed to podcast about in response to on Twitter .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I was just noticing that I was forming a view of people who I actually have had dinner with . That was way more negative based on their Twitter behavior than I think would ever be justified by any way they would behave in life with me . You know , I mean , it's like it never , I was never gonna have a face to face encounter with any of these people that was this malicious and dishonest and gas lighting and weird .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so it was the thing that began to worry me about it . And again , I understand that people have the opposite experience . I mean , depending on what you're putting out and what you're , you know , the kinds of topics you're touching , you could have just nothing but love coming back at you on Twitter , right ?

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you're in the center criticizing the left as hard as anyone on the right ever criticized the left criticizes the left and you're also criticizing the right as hard as anyone on the left criticizes the right . You're getting hate from both sides all the time and no one is reflect reflexively and tribally defending you because you pissed them off last time . Like you might be getting hate from the left now and the people on the right , agree with you .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Right . And so I just began to become more sensitive to what this was , you know , just the residue of all of this in my life and how , and just how often the worst thing that the worst thing about me in my relationship with the people in my life , you know , they just talking to my wife or my kids was just the fact that I had been on Twitter at some point in the , you know , previously in , I mean , in the previous hour and there was some residue of that , you know , if , you know , in my interaction with them , you know , I was like , what , you know , what are you stressed out about ? What are you annoyed about ?