Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I was noticing that that um again , this evolved over years , I mean , this , this long before long , long uh long predating um recent changes to , to Twitter . Um But I was noticing that many of the worst things that had happened for me professionally were first born on Twitter . I mean , just like , you know , some , some conflict I got into with somebody or something that I felt like I needed to podcast about in response to on Twitter .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I was just noticing that I was forming a view of people who I actually have had dinner with . That was way more negative based on their Twitter behavior than I think would ever be justified by any way they would behave in life with me . You know , I mean , it's like it never , I was never gonna have a face to face encounter with any of these people that was this malicious and dishonest and gas lighting and weird .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's either it's Genesis was Twitter or it's the , the , uh , the further spin of it that became truly unpleasant and dysfunctional happened on Twitter . Like it was just Twitter was part of the story when it was got really bad . And I've , I've had , you know , vacations that have gone sideways just because I got on Twitter and said something and then I had to produce a controversy that I had to respond to and then I had to do a podcast about that and it just , and it was just OK , this is a mess , right ?

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I never f I've never followed people and I've never , and all the posting has just come from , it's just marketing , you know , from my team . Um But Twitter was me , I mean , I , you know , for better or worse and um I began to feel more and more for worse and it was , um it was interesting because it was very , you know , I , I've , I've , you know , I've talked about it , a lot of my podcast about just my , my love hate relationship with Twitter . Over the years , many good things came to me from Twitter and I , and I was , you know , I was following a lot of smart people and it , it had become my news feed and my first point of contact with , with information each day and I was really attached to it just for that reason , just as a consumer of , of content .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Right . And so I just began to become more sensitive to what this was , you know , just the residue of all of this in my life and how , and just how often the worst thing that the worst thing about me in my relationship with the people in my life , you know , they just talking to my wife or my kids was just the fact that I had been on Twitter at some point in the , you know , previously in , I mean , in the previous hour and there was some residue of that , you know , if , you know , in my interaction with them , you know , I was like , what , you know , what are you stressed out about ? What are you annoyed about ?