Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um And then it was also a place where I was at . I genuinely wanted to communicate with people and react to things and , and , and , you know , you know , I would see some article that I thought was great and I would signal boost it , you know , to , to my uh the people following me on Twitter . And that was rewarding .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I never f I've never followed people and I've never , and all the posting has just come from , it's just marketing , you know , from my team . Um But Twitter was me , I mean , I , you know , for better or worse and um I began to feel more and more for worse and it was , um it was interesting because it was very , you know , I , I've , I've , you know , I've talked about it , a lot of my podcast about just my , my love hate relationship with Twitter . Over the years , many good things came to me from Twitter and I , and I was , you know , I was following a lot of smart people and it , it had become my news feed and my first point of contact with , with information each day and I was really attached to it just for that reason , just as a consumer of , of content .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I've , I've had , you know , vacations that have gone sideways just because I got on Twitter and said something and then I had to produce a controversy that I had to respond to and then I had to do a podcast about that and it just , and it was just OK , this is a mess , right ? And so at that point , you know , I , I , you know , I have friends who , you know , also had big Twitter platforms who would , who would say , you know , why are you , you know , why are you responding to anything on Twitter ? Just Tweet and Ghost , you know , just due to have like Joe Rogan sat me down and tried to get , you know , give me a talking to as did Bill Maher .

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I did that for some periods of time , but then I would continually decide , ok , now it's all balanced again . Maybe I can just communicate here because it was very tempting for me to communicate with people because I would see somebody , you know , clearly misunderstanding something I had said on my podcast . And I think it's like , why not clarify this misunderstanding , right ?

Sam Harris on Social Media & Leaving Twitter | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Like it's like with Twitter , almost anything could happen , right ? Like , like the next tweet was always an opportunity to massively complicate my life . There is no analogous space for me now .