GDL Feb 1, 2023

We want to connect with you and see how your website is going first . Let's talk about the N word . Let's talk about the N word .

GDL Feb 1, 2023

Let's talk about the N word . Let's talk about the N word . Let's talk about Tom Brady .

GDL Feb 1, 2023

Maybe I'll just , like , write up a fake one . Like , I'll just like , it's kind of like the N word everyone's doing it . So I'll bring it back to that .

GDL Feb 1, 2023

But it's interesting because I feel like uh the culture perpetuated themselves . They're like , I'm not black and brown or don't say the N word or we can only say there's just a lot of sensitivity and taboo words in our culture . I just , we are like the prominent culture where it comes to taboo words .

GDL Feb 1, 2023

I listen , I , I uh my , one of my best friends uh was in a conversation with um I forget who the rapper was . But she brought up the conversation of like , why use the N word . Um What is the point of it ?