How Does Alcohol Impact Your Gut Microbiome & Leaky Gut? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But then you're not probably not the kind of person that's going to be drinking at all . So again , if you enjoy alcoholic drinks , I'm not trying to um take them away from you uh by any means , but you should know what drinking does if you're consuming it in this kind of typical chronic pattern as we can now refer to it , which is that one or two a night or a few stacked up on Friday and maybe three or four on Saturday , this kind of pattern of drinking , which is quite common . And one of the more serious effects that we should think about is the impact on the so-called gut brain axis .

How Does Alcohol Impact Your Gut Microbiome & Leaky Gut? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So this is basically a terrible scenario for the gut liver , brain access and it's especially prevalent in so called alcohol use disorder . Again , people , they're ingesting somewhere between 12 and 24 drinks per week . For those of you that are interested in learning more about the gut liver brain axis and in particular alcohol use disorder , I'll provide a link in the show note captions and there's a wonderful review on this , that details that but on the positive side , it points to the possibility that at least some , again , at least some of the negative effects of alcohol consumption , whether or not you're somebody who's currently ingesting alcohol or who used to ingest alcohol and is trying to so called repair these systems of the brain and body , whether or not replenishing the gut microbiota is gonna be beneficial .

How Does Alcohol Impact Your Gut Microbiome & Leaky Gut? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's a bad situation . And this is why people who drink regularly , even if it's not a ton of alcohol . Again , of this sorts of patterns of drinking I talked about before .

How Does Alcohol Impact Your Gut Microbiome & Leaky Gut? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

For those of you that enjoy alcohol . I again , I , I really , I'd like to say , I feel guilty about telling you this because I know how much some people enjoy a good drink every once in a while .

How Does Alcohol Impact Your Gut Microbiome & Leaky Gut? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Again , of this sorts of patterns of drinking I talked about before . And certainly for those that are chronic heavy drinkers , what you end up with is a situation in which you have inflammation in multiple places in the brain and body and the desire to drink even more and to further exacerbate that inflammation and the gut leaky ness . So this is basically a terrible scenario for the gut liver , brain access and it's especially prevalent in so called alcohol use disorder .