GDL Feb 24, 2023

What's the company ? Tell me all about bounce , bounce ? You know , I don't wanna say in honor of Black History Month , but it's , it's for the girls , for the girls with the girls , for the girls with the curls .

GDL Feb 24, 2023

Oh Yeah . What's the company ? Tell me all about bounce , bounce ?

GDL Feb 24, 2023

We we we're growing at massive massive speeds . So when I do this massive massive speed , I want a shout out to a special company that's gonna be joining us uh on fri on Monday . Oh Yeah .

GDL Feb 24, 2023

What ? No , they should know that we are a start up and you know , we need all the help we can get . They took , they took my , you know , I know why you kept looking over there .

GDL Feb 24, 2023

Uh You never know . We're constantly growing at this studio . We we we're growing at massive massive speeds .