LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

But to do that , she has to learn English . So she takes a year , learns English and then writes her songs for this album in English . So this is this key tool she uses to pull out those songs .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

When she performed with J Lo , we've got a number of other artifacts that show her as in multi instrumentalists and then also a number of her costumes . So we enter Shakira's world . Yeah .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

She's somebody that reaches probably more of the world than almost any star . So what's the story behind the rhyming dictionary , Shakira on her third album , uh Laundry Service decides , OK , I'm not going to write in Spanish anymore . I'm gonna write in English .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

So this is this key tool she uses to pull out those songs . Shakira has incredible ambition and I think part of it is that , you know , early in her , in her life , her parents were struggling financially and they kind of looked to her like , can you help carry some of the weight here ? She worked as an actress early in her career as a teenager .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

It's part of her heritage . I just want to thank you for all the support and the love that you've given me , I think , you know , with Shakira , she's really a global superstar and it was telling that story of how did somebody who started in Baranga Colombia as a singer songwriter become this huge star around the world . She's somebody that reaches probably more of the world than almost any star .