LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

And I watched the transaction happen like the cash and then the shoe see from head to toe , we've got you covered , but don't step away just yet unscripted Hispanic Heritage Month celebration continues right after the break from east to west L A . We've been sharing all our favorite local Latino owned spots . And along the way , we discovered a unique gift shop on wheels .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

Sarah's Market is a Tienda that is known here in City Terrace . It's your typical mom and pop shop . It's where you come and get all your local goods and it's accessible to everybody in the community .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

It's your typical mom and pop shop . It's where you come and get all your local goods and it's accessible to everybody in the community . Gracias .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

We sold one item per person like the water , the toilet paper when that was going on , people from out of town kept trying to buy us out . But we're like , no , we need our community to stay afloat and we need to provide for them being Mexican owned , you know , Latin owned business owners . I I myself , I feel a sense of pride just because for many years , you know , we felt like we've been at the bottom .

LA Unscripted | September 16th, 2023

And we're the owners of Sarah's Market in total . I believe we have a little bit over 300 products market , carry curated items that we've selected or they've reached out to us from restaurants all over L A . People that we've bonded formed friendships with that .