Worried About Kids on Social Media? Here's How to Help | All-Star Weekend Meet & Greet

I feel that they , well , that's because you are valuing other people's opinions and I'm obsessed with helping people not value other people's opinions because it is the quickest path to be in a very good place . You have to be kind to yourself . You're going to have to work on this every day .

Worried About Kids on Social Media? Here's How to Help | All-Star Weekend Meet & Greet

I hope your best 2023 . Keep going love yourself first . Everything else will be figured out .

Worried About Kids on Social Media? Here's How to Help | All-Star Weekend Meet & Greet

You're so young . Don't beat yourself up , be proud of yourself that you have the strength to know that you need to reach out to somebody or that somebody reached out to you and now you're resetting , we all suck at things , all good things . It's called , I love , I love that .

Worried About Kids on Social Media? Here's How to Help | All-Star Weekend Meet & Greet

I feel like there's still a lot of education that comes from that side of marketing . So what would be your advice to restaurants ? I've actually you have to become the content producer of the advice to lead awareness to your business .

Worried About Kids on Social Media? Here's How to Help | All-Star Weekend Meet & Greet

It's like , hey , you need to start building your discipline and work ethic other 20 year olds , it's like , hey , don't put too much pressure on number one . So it's all great to like take advantage of your youth . A lot of kids that are overly soft and overly like not starting to do things that are inconvenient , wake up at 30 are struggling too .