Cell Phones & EMFs Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone | Dr. Andrew Huberman

A systematic review and updated meta analysis . This is a paper that came out in 2021 and talks about the fact that phones emit a radio frequency electromagnetic waves which are called called RF radio frequency emws electromagnetic waves at a low level between 82 2200 megahertz that can be absorbed by the human body . We know this .

Cell Phones & EMFs Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone | Dr. Andrew Huberman

This is not controversial and have potential adverse effects on brain heart endocrine system and reproductive function that has been established . Keep in mind there is basically no controversy that radio frequency waves and emfs can have a negative impact on biological tissues . The question is , how intense are those radio frequency waves and emfs and how detrimental are those on those biological tissues ?

Cell Phones & EMFs Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Keep in mind there is basically no controversy that radio frequency waves and emfs can have a negative impact on biological tissues . The question is , how intense are those radio frequency waves and emfs and how detrimental are those on those biological tissues ? Ok .

Cell Phones & EMFs Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um It's uh really interesting however , and there are more and more quality data coming out all the time . And I think going forward , we are going to see that indeed , there are some negative effects of smartphones related to both their radio frequency um transmission and the fact that they generate heat and in general heat is not good for biological tissues .

Cell Phones & EMFs Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Since what we're mainly talking about now are smartphones . We want to separate out the heat effects of smartphones from the EMFS related to the fact that they are Wi Fi smartphones or they're using cellar towers and Wi Fi one or the other a combination . Ok .