GDL Jimmy Bluff

You love working with people to reach their fitness goals and found to be more gratifying and led you in the direction of pain relief rehab and the art of healing . Your technique is a form of holistic healing which is unique and removes lifelong pain and injuries in a way that no one else can . Yeah , it's been quite the journey over the last 20 years .

GDL Jimmy Bluff

You earn your C certifications at the University of Utah , Utah College of Massage Therapy . You love working with people to reach their fitness goals and found to be more gratifying and led you in the direction of pain relief rehab and the art of healing . Your technique is a form of holistic healing which is unique and removes lifelong pain and injuries in a way that no one else can .

GDL Jimmy Bluff

I went and took a fata healing class for a weekend . It's just the specific type of healing with energy work and stuff and it was all working with God . And I'm like , what ?

GDL Jimmy Bluff

They , they don't , you know , and that's one thing I'm going to give you this prescription for pain meds , but I'm gonna set you up with this person who's gonna show you how to , you know , you get yourself straight , get yourself back in alignment . And I work hand in hand with chiropractors and , and acupuncturist all over the country . Um , most people truly don't understand how valuable having your fas worked on is because what I do , I literally peel people apart at the connective tissue layer .

GDL Jimmy Bluff

My wife and I do them weekly . Yeah , they're a game changer because I have to also heal my inflammation . I use my fingertips mostly in my hands to cut facial tissue and facial tissues .