Hi , I'm Michelle Murad along with That's right , Kyle . And we have the lovely Jimmy Bluff . How are you ?
Um How you can , you know , uh connect with you and all that great stuff . Uh Jimmy bluff dot com . You can go straight to my website , shoot me an email .
We can do a consult . You can book online on Jimmy bluff dot com . You can actually buy your friend a gift card and then they can book online with me right now and I'm on Instagram and Facebook as well as Jimmy Bluff .
You can actually buy your friend a gift card and then they can book online with me right now and I'm on Instagram and Facebook as well as Jimmy Bluff . Thank you , Jimmy Bluff . Great stories .
I do some channeling and , and energy work and finally I had to trademark what I did because people would be like , well , what do I ask for when I go , you know , to the physical therapist or what I ask for when I go to the spa ? And I'm like , ask for Jimmy Bluff , you know , so it became very unique . And then as I worked with more and more prominent people who've been to 100 countries around the world .