GDL Jimmy Bluff

It's , it's so emotional . It's , it's so spiritual , it's so physical , but it's also so challenging because I can , I can feel what's going on with my clients . And it's just a matter of my clients being able to relax enough to be vulnerable to let go of something that sometimes they've been holding on to for 2030 years of their life .

GDL Jimmy Bluff

So fas al also stores emotions . I heard that your issues are stored in your tissues . It's crazy .

GDL Jimmy Bluff

So try to sit up straight when your abdominals are so tight . Now , energetically , they say that the so a stores a lot of our emotions and and the hips , the the inner abdominals , you know , in the abdomen region . And you know , coincidentally , the um the abdominals and uh a lot of our hormones are regulated in our stomach .

GDL Jimmy Bluff

And you know , coincidentally , the um the abdominals and uh a lot of our hormones are regulated in our stomach . So when we're stressed , we get tight and we shortness of breath and it's literally anxiety . So fas al also stores emotions .

GDL Jimmy Bluff

So when we're stressed , we get tight and we shortness of breath and it's literally anxiety . So fas al also stores emotions . I heard that your issues are stored in your tissues .