How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And the mice live 35% longer than they control 35% longer . So scale to human lifespan , which , you know , we don't know but , but a 35% longer would mean that um and again , no one knows . But um humans now , what is the average mortality in the United States ?

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok . So people are then now living somewhere between 25 and 35 years longer , but I'm putting some error bars on that . So that was really profound .

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , ok , so let me make sure I understand so that uh so that I make sure I understand if you take a certain number of calories and you distribute them throughout the 24 hour cycle , it's caloric restriction , the mice will live 10% longer if you however restrict that to the active cycle of the . So for humans the daytime , then 20% then they live 20% longer . So it's not just total caloric intake and meaning it's not just important to be sub maintenance and calories for the sake of longevity it also is important as to when in the 24 hour cycle you eat those calories .

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

For example , hemoglobin , a one c equivalent of glucose control cholesterol , all this stuff , he could not find anything that predicted the benefit of caloric restriction . So that means in this experiment , whatever we know so far the predictor of longevity , none of them could predict whether this um see our only mouse which at throughout day and night , that mouse is going to live less than the night fed mouse that was going to live 35 25% extra . Does that mean that there are biomarkers related to longevity that we just haven't discovered yet ?

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Whereas with mice , you have some sense of when the mortality was likely to occur . So what , what can we say about time restricted feeding and longevity in terms of biomarkers or in terms of any other indication that people who start and stop their feeding window at a consistent time , somewhere between eight and 12 hours per 24 hour cycle are tilting the scales towards living longer as opposed to living shorter . This example of this news article that you mentioned is really interesting because that relates to Jos J Taka's study because I described that if you split calories and eat throughout the day , throughout day and night , then the mice leave 10% extra .