How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Whereas with mice , you have some sense of when the mortality was likely to occur . So what , what can we say about time restricted feeding and longevity in terms of biomarkers or in terms of any other indication that people who start and stop their feeding window at a consistent time , somewhere between eight and 12 hours per 24 hour cycle are tilting the scales towards living longer as opposed to living shorter . This example of this news article that you mentioned is really interesting because that relates to Jos J Taka's study because I described that if you split calories and eat throughout the day , throughout day and night , then the mice leave 10% extra .

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh If you looked at one major news outlet , they would say time restricted feeding affords no additional benefit beyond caloric restriction for weight loss . Then an another popular press venue , let's call it that same study described as time restricted feeding doesn't work . And then another 1 may be someplace um even more extreme , you know , time restricted feeding um uh only beneficial because of caloric restriction or something like that .

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I've wondered about this because recently , you know , there's been , there were a bunch of news headlines about intermittent fasting and , and frankly , I was frustrated . Uh If you looked at one major news outlet , they would say time restricted feeding affords no additional benefit beyond caloric restriction for weight loss . Then an another popular press venue , let's call it that same study described as time restricted feeding doesn't work .

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Then an another popular press venue , let's call it that same study described as time restricted feeding doesn't work . And then another 1 may be someplace um even more extreme , you know , time restricted feeding um uh only beneficial because of caloric restriction or something like that . So what you've essentially got are three different interpretations of the same data .

How Fasting & Caloric Restriction Impact Health | Dr. Satchin Panda & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , in , in this human study , which is the one that I felt that the popular press venues , all except one venue , um got either semi wrong or badly wrong in terms of their conclusion , that was my interpretation anyway , was that either people came into the study eating basically in a 10 hour feeding window , which goes back to my first question , which is that most people are not eating in the middle of the night or if they're on shift work and they are , then they're sleeping during the day anyway . So they're eating in a 10 to 12 hour feeding window anyway . So you're saying they either did caloric restriction portion control within a 10 hour window or another group within the study , eight sub maintenance calories .