GDL Kimmy Seltzer

Yes . So again , I'm Kimmy Seltzer and pretty much you can find me anywhere on social at Kimmy . Um My , my website is Kimmy Seltzer dot com .

GDL Kimmy Seltzer

Glad . And you have a lovely Kimmy Seltzer . Come to the Orange State .

GDL Kimmy Seltzer

So again , I'm Kimmy Seltzer and pretty much you can find me anywhere on social at Kimmy . Um My , my website is Kimmy Seltzer dot com . Take that quiz , Kimmy Seltzer dot com forward slash quiz and of course my podcast , the charisma quo .

GDL Kimmy Seltzer

Um If you , there's a quiz , you see what is your dating diagnosis ? You if you want to know what kind of data you are , I'll just go to , you know , Kimmy Seltzer dot com . You can find the quiz , you can go through the questions and find out where you're getting stuck and you're like , well , we just , and it's a great way , it's free just way to get started .

GDL Kimmy Seltzer

Um My , my website is Kimmy Seltzer dot com . Take that quiz , Kimmy Seltzer dot com forward slash quiz and of course my podcast , the charisma quo . Yes .