Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , we're gonna take the mice and we're going to genetically engineer it to remove the sweet receptors . So these mice no longer have in their oral cavity , any sensors that can detect sweetness , be that sugar molecule , be it an artificial sweetener ? Be it anything else that tastes sweet ?

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And this work is work of my own laboratory . You know , that began long ago when we discovered the sweet receptors and you can now engineer mice that lack these receptors . So in essence , these animals will be unable to taste sweet a life without sweetness .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

All right . Now , we're gonna take the mice and we're going to genetically engineer it to remove the sweet receptors . So these mice no longer have in their oral cavity , any sensors that can detect sweetness , be that sugar molecule , be it an artificial sweetener ?

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Be it anything else that tastes sweet ? And if you give this mice an option between sweet versus water sugar versus water , artificial tuna versus water , it will drink equally well from both because he cannot tell them apart because it doesn't have the receptor for sweet . So that sweet bottle tastes just like water makes sense , makes sense .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , sugar versus water . Normal mouse would drink from the sugar , sugar , sugar , sugar , very little from the water , knock out the sweet receptors , eliminate them . Mouse can no longer tell them apart and they will drink from both .