Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Our craving our insatiable desire for sugar since they don't activate the gut brain axis , they'll never satisfy the craving for sugar like sugar . That and the reason I believe that artificial sweeteners have failed in the market to curb our appetite . Our need , our desire for sugar is because they beautifully work on the tongue .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Dopamine is a very diabolical molecule as you know , because it evokes both a sense of pleasure ish , but also a sense of desiring more of craving . So um if I understand you correctly , artificial sweeteners are and I agree are failing as a means to satisfy sugar craving at the level of nutrient sensing . And yet if we trigger this true sugar evoked wanting pathway too much .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I see it turns out that it's not the tongue receptors being used in the gut is a completely different molecule that only recognizes the glucose molecule , not artificial sweeteners . This has a profound impact on the effect of ultimately artificial sweeteners in curbing our appetite . Our craving our insatiable desire for sugar since they don't activate the gut brain axis , they'll never satisfy the craving for sugar like sugar .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Animal goes samples each one licks a couple of licks and then , uh uh that's the one I want because it's appetitive and because I love it . So it prefers sugar to artificial sweetener . No , no , no , no , no .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

This has a profound impact on the effect of ultimately artificial sweeteners in curbing our appetite . Our craving our insatiable desire for sugar since they don't activate the gut brain axis , they'll never satisfy the craving for sugar like sugar . That and the reason I believe that artificial sweeteners have failed in the market to curb our appetite .