Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Let me tell you it about the gut brain axis and our insatiable appetite for sugar and fat , insatiable for sugar and quenchable for fat . And this is a story about the fundamental difference between liking and wanting like in sugar is the function of the taste system .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It doesn't matter what , but the mouse realized there is something there that makes me feel good and that's what I want . And that is the fundamental basis of our unquenchable desire and our craving for sugar and is mediated by the gut brain axis . The first clue is that it takes a long time to develop immediately suggesting a post ingested effect .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The first clue is that it takes a long time to develop immediately suggesting a post ingested effect . So we reason if this is true and is the gut brain axis that's driving sugar preference , then there should be a group of neurons in the brain that are responding to post ingested sugar . And lo and behold , we identify a group of neurons in the brain that does this and these neurons receive their input directly from the gut brain axis from other neurons .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So we reason if this is true and is the gut brain axis that's driving sugar preference , then there should be a group of neurons in the brain that are responding to post ingested sugar . And lo and behold , we identify a group of neurons in the brain that does this and these neurons receive their input directly from the gut brain axis from other neurons . You got it .

Why Do We Crave Sugar? | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I mean , how nuts is that e I mean , historically , diseases of malnutrition have always been linked to under nutrition . And so we need to come up with strategies that can meaningfully change the activation of these circuits that control our wanting certainly in the populations at risk and this gut brain circuit that ultimately , you know , it's the lines of communication that are informing the brain , the presence of intestinal sugar . In this example , it's a very important target in the way we think about .