Um I'd say a challenge there . Some of the challenges I face , the biggest factor was just being in a smaller town . I'm from Steubenville , Ohio .
So just stick in the grinding things out and uh keeping your head down . Um I'd say a challenge there . Some of the challenges I face , the biggest factor was just being in a smaller town .
So just not having the , all the eyes on art city and our sport of wrestling . Uh That was a huge challenge for me . Um , overcoming that I , my dad , uh we traveled a lot , we had , we worked with a lot of different clubs , different , uh event , uh tournaments .
Uh That was a huge challenge for me . Um , overcoming that I , my dad , uh we traveled a lot , we had , we worked with a lot of different clubs , different , uh event , uh tournaments . We would go to a lot of different camps .
Um So that when you're , you're in tough times or a tough position in a match or you're say you're down in points and you need to come back , you need to have that , you can have a lot of skills , a lot of uh different talent . Um But if you don't have that mindset and that , that determination , um it can get very tough for you . So mental toughness is , was a big factor for me .