Jashon Hubbard

Um , you would always find me usually training , uh , or going to different practices and things like that . I had a few of them come to practices and just seeing , uh , my work ethic . Um , I was pretty , I was a hard worker growing up .

Jashon Hubbard

So I , I learned that skill set and being able to do things at a higher level than a lot of different people around me . Um And I think that stood out just having that work ethic and willing to get tired and do things that other people weren't willing to do , being able to work hard under different stress levels . That was something that Ohio State taught me very well , was just being able to put your body under stress and realizing that you can do a lot more than uh you think you can like your , your mind and your body are very , very important .

Jashon Hubbard

So early on , I wish I would have took care of my diet and I would probably , I , I performed pretty high in high school but I think that that was , that's a very big difference maker , uh , in a lot of situations that people don't realize . Um , but yeah , I think having a more strict diet and paying attention to the things that I put in my body . Um , I think that's a huge difference maker that I wish I knew early on .

Jashon Hubbard

So it was pretty easy for me to transition into , uh , academics . From a , uh , from athletics just because I kept a nice , uh , routine and didn't , didn't let , uh , outside , uh , factors affect , um , what I had to do that day . I think my diet was a huge factor for me .

Jashon Hubbard

Um And you sometimes you gotta gotta just leave your mind to rest and just let your body work . So I was able to be in a lot of tough situations throughout college and learning and being able to trust , trust my body and know that I put in the right uh preparation and training , whether it was in the classroom , whether it was in my sleeping patterns whether it was in my eating habits . Uh , that , that was something I , I gained early on at Ohio State .