How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , yes and no . The point is that the fluid filtration systems of your body that range from the gut to the bladder and include the kidney . Of course , depend not just on the volume but on the rate of fluid that you ingest .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , why did I say for the 1st 10 hours ? Well , it turns out that the filtration of fluids from your body , which is accomplished of course by your kidneys and by way of your bladder and the excretion of fluid out urethra so called urination is strongly , strongly circadian dependent , meaning the cells of your kidney and the cells even of your gut . In fact , all the cells of your body , but especially the cells of your kidney , which filter the fluid that comes into your body .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , it turns out that the filtration of fluids from your body , which is accomplished of course by your kidneys and by way of your bladder and the excretion of fluid out urethra so called urination is strongly , strongly circadian dependent , meaning the cells of your kidney and the cells even of your gut . In fact , all the cells of your body , but especially the cells of your kidney , which filter the fluid that comes into your body . And that makes certain hormones like vasopressin , which is anti diuretic hormone .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And we can make all of this very simple by simply stating what's contained in this beautiful review that I'll provide a link to if you wanna learn more called circadian rhythms in the kidney . And basically what is known is that for the 1st 10 hours after waking your kidney is filtering fluid within your body at a very rapid rate . There are a number of different cell types that do that , but they are basically taking that fluid pulling out any um contaminants using hormones such as anti diuretic hormone vasopressin to adjust whether or not you're gonna hold on to fluid or release more fluid from your body in the form of urine , depending on the salt concentration , depending on how much fluid you need your work output , the conditions you're in all of that .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And basically what is known is that for the 1st 10 hours after waking your kidney is filtering fluid within your body at a very rapid rate . There are a number of different cell types that do that , but they are basically taking that fluid pulling out any um contaminants using hormones such as anti diuretic hormone vasopressin to adjust whether or not you're gonna hold on to fluid or release more fluid from your body in the form of urine , depending on the salt concentration , depending on how much fluid you need your work output , the conditions you're in all of that . However , at about 10 hours after waking , your kidney really starts to reduce its overall level of functioning .