How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Feel free to ingest more fluid , please . But most people will find that if they reduce their fluid intake to about five ounces or less of fluid in that later part of the day , after 10 hours of having woken up and before sleep and they sip those beverages as opposed to gulping them , that they will have fewer bouts of waking up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom . And ideally zero .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I'm a gulper , not a sipper , but many of you are going to be sippers , not gulpers consume fluid at the rate that feels right to you but feel comfortable gulping that fluid . However , in the evening , if you are somebody who has challenges with waking up excessively in the middle of the night , reduce your fluid intake provided you've hydrated properly throughout the day . And I suggest consuming no more than five , maybe eight ounces of fluid between the time of 10 hours after waking and when you go to sleep again , if you're very thirsty or you under hydrated , it's very hot .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

However , in the evening , if you are somebody who has challenges with waking up excessively in the middle of the night , reduce your fluid intake provided you've hydrated properly throughout the day . And I suggest consuming no more than five , maybe eight ounces of fluid between the time of 10 hours after waking and when you go to sleep again , if you're very thirsty or you under hydrated , it's very hot . Feel free to ingest more fluid , please .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And thank goodness it does because you do not want your kidney filtering fluid at the same rate at midnight . Assuming you wake up at say seven or eight or 9 a.m. that it was filtering fluid at 10 a.m. In fact , we can say that if you want to reduce your nighttime waking in order to urinate , which is a common , common question and concern that many people have . How can I avoid waking up in the middle of the night to urinate .

How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Assuming you wake up at say seven or eight or 9 a.m. that it was filtering fluid at 10 a.m. In fact , we can say that if you want to reduce your nighttime waking in order to urinate , which is a common , common question and concern that many people have . How can I avoid waking up in the middle of the night to urinate . And there I say it's perfectly normal to wake up once , maybe twice each night to urinate .