GDL Feb 9, 2023

I know . But why , why do we , what is the need to comment on people's bodies ?

GDL Feb 9, 2023

You also into fitness um about that . Oh , cool . What's your new concept about that concept is full fitness , body , psychology and spiritual currency , right ?

GDL Feb 9, 2023

Just , just , just , just think about it . Think about it . Exactly .

GDL Feb 9, 2023

You can get into every little look and cranny in your car with all of this . How awesome . So this is what we're gonna do .

GDL Feb 9, 2023

And I always say don't look it be it , but most times it's hard to be it because you don't have the information how to be it . That's interesting . I was just reading something uh two days ago that was saying uh being is feminine energy like you said you were trying to do to accomplish which is interesting um And doing is the masculine energy .