And it's especially as a young player , it's hard to not get so caught up in that and so affected by what people have to say about you or about people's opinions . So that was something that , you know , it was a challenge for me at a young age . But I feel like the how I overcame it was just relying on the people , the support system I already had and just realizing that that was all that mattered and trying not to care about um others opinions and obviously it's easier said than done , but all that matters honestly is just the people that you have behind you .
So just talking to them a lot , getting to know them outside of basketball as well . I would say the biggest challenge I faced becoming a top prospect was just the outside noise . So once you , once you become one of the top one of the top players , you know , there's a target on your back .
And that is something that I actually have struggled with in the past . And I found ways to overcome that . And like with this brand , I'm try , I'm trying to promote , you know , having a positive mindset , healthy mindset , growth mindset , like different type of mindset .
I play basketball at Princeton University during high school , but I think I focused mostly on during my training that I feel like really shaped the player I am today was working on the stuff I wasn't necessarily good at . Um , so I know it's hard to like , want do things that you're not necessarily good at , but I feel like working on it over and over again and repping . It made me a much better player .
Um As we talk about , we , you see a lot people talk about mental health within , you know , like the one athletes and all that type of stuff . And that is something that I actually have struggled with in the past . And I found ways to overcome that .