It's not for everybody , it's definitely not easy . So putting in the work is gonna be the most like the very , very important thing for you to do is just working on your craft so that you can be confident in yourself . So NIO experience , one of my first actually that um I experienced that was pretty good for me was a deal that I had with my entire team .
Um , a kid could look for when they're being recruited . It's just establishing a relationship that they know is genuine , that their , their coaches actually care for them outside of basketball , which is a big thing , just because you're going to college , you're leaving your parents where you're normally like your guardian or your college coaches essentially become your guardian . So you wanna establish a very good relationship with those people .
So your mom , your coaches , your parents , like si siblings , teammates just , just relying on the support system you already have . So what led to me deciding to commit to Princeton was um just the best of both worlds honestly . Um Obviously many , you know , that Princeton is like one of the best academic schools um in the country .
I would say to an athlete that's trying to earn a division one scholarship for their sport . The biggest thing I would say is having confidence in yourself . I find confidence goes a long way , especially in whatever sport you're playing as long as you're confident in your abilities .
I play basketball at Princeton University during high school , but I think I focused mostly on during my training that I feel like really shaped the player I am today was working on the stuff I wasn't necessarily good at . Um , so I know it's hard to like , want do things that you're not necessarily good at , but I feel like working on it over and over again and repping . It made me a much better player .